Strengthening Supervision: Relationship Building and Best Practices for Professionals
Effective clinical supervision is the bedrock of professional growth, safeguard for ethical and effective clinical treatment, and a space for professionals to expand their knowledge of human development, assessment, treatment, and self-care. While the Commonwealth has many programs that help professionals address these issues, very few professionals and emerging professionals are trained in clinical supervision best practices, supervision theory, and/or gatekeeping standards. This often leads to a misunderstanding between the supervisor and the supervisee of what supervision should look like, how supervision is conducted, and most importantly, what are the roles and expectations for the supervisor and the supervisee. This presentation will focus on best practices for both supervisors and supervisees to get the most out of their clinical supervision while also focusing on understanding expectations of both the supervisor and the supervisee to help build lasting professional relationships that lead to effective clinical treatment.
Training Categories - Intermediate, Best Practice, Professionalism, Supervision, Ethics, |Clinical

Dr. David Emil Martinson, originally from Norway, earned his Ph.D. in Counselor Education. He has over 30 years of clinical experience working with families, children, adolescents, and groups in a variety of settings, including psychiatric institutions, trauma and addiction clinics, the Norwegian Hospital system, therapeutic foster care, and private practice. His research interests include international/transcultural counseling, trauma and PTSD, substance use disorder counseling, and Collaborative Clinical Supervision. Dr. Martinson has presented at several counseling conferences both in the USA and internationally (Norway, Iceland, and Canada).