Identifying and Advancing Healthy Professional and Organizational Practices (Basic/Intermediate: Professionalism, SUD/MH, Clinical/Administrators/Supervisors/Peers; AT CAPACITY

In this training we will discuss and explore examples of professional behavior and positive organizational practices that support or diminish professional conduct. Why are we discussing these behaviors and practices? Is it not obvious what these behaviors and organizational practices are? Good questions! Given the continuing and increasing ethical complaints PCB and other professional bodies receive, and the known lack of adequate or regular supervision reported by many certified professionals, it can be argued, that these practices are NOT well understood, supported, or practiced consistently.


We will discuss appropriate scope of practice for professionals and where this scope can become blurry, impacting the person served, professional and organization. We will define and provide examples of professional behaviors that may be overlooked or not adequately reinforced through organizational oversight and training. We will identify and discuss 8 basic skills that are necessary for all human services professionals. Finally, we will discuss applying the 8 basic skills in practice and across professional roles.


Katrin Fieser, MSW, CRS, CFRS, CPS